Benifits Of Drinking Water

The main constituent of lakes, oceans & rivers is a colorless substance known as water. Its chemical formula is H2O, i.e. each of its molecules contains one oxygen & two hydrogen atoms that are connected by a covalent bond.

Its the most common liquid on Earth. It covers about 71.4% of the Earth & is required for every living organisms sustainability. Approximately 70 to 75% of our body mass is made up of water.

Major Benefits of drinking water are given below:

1.Helps in Weight Loss:

As, we know that liver helps burning fat into energy. Due to low water intake, the kidneys stops functioning properly & puts extra burden on the liver. Because of non functioning of kidney, the liver has to do the excess work. So now liver cannot burn much amount of fat into energy as it should do, resulting in fat deposit.

Take water in good quantity to prevent fat deposit & to keep yourself healthy. So you can say that losing weight is one of the advantages of drinking water.

2. Water is good for Hair:

Water is very essential for healthy hair. Cold water makes your hair glossy & shiny. It also prevents dirt from accumulating on the scalp and makes hair stronger.

The ocean water contains nutrient rich marine bitanicals, which repair, cleanse and detangle the strands.

Hard water is very dangerous for hair, as it makes hair color fade. To prevent that always use soft water or install water softner in showers

Water is the most natural setting gel for hair. Each of the strands is made up of hydrogen bonds which separate when the hair is wet. If you style your hair while it’s wet, the hydrogen bond will reform to give a new shape.

3. Water for Skin:

Skin is  made of several cells, which require water to stay healthy. Water maintains the moisture and deliver essential nutrients to the skin cells. It replenishes the skin tissue and increases its elasticity. This helps delay the appearance of signs of ageing like wrinkles and fine lines. It also increases the metabolic rate and improves digestive system to flush out toxins from the body, resulting a healthy and glowing skin.

After opening the pores by washing them with warm water, you can seal them by splashing with cold water. Cold water tightens the pores and prevents them from getting clogged. It reduces the appearance of acne. It also calms the nerves & reduces stress related damage to the skin.

4. Keeping Muscles Healthy:

Human muscles are made up of 75% water, so its necessary to provide enough water to the body. Enough water helps in keeping muscles stretching & contraction normal, preventing muscular cramps. 

It will help you to exercise more making your muscles stronger and healthy. Sipping water while workout maintains energy level & replaces the body fluid that comes out of body through sweat.

5. Keeps the Digestive System Normal:

For a better digestion it is essential to have kidneys working properly. Water helps in improving the digestive process. 

When there is a lack of water in the body, resulting in constipation. So to stay away from this problem, one should drink enough water on a daily basis and keep the digestive system fine.


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